A Humourous View Of ‘Airline Announcements’
Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com
16/07/2008 – A Humourous View Of ‘Airline Announcements’
In the past few months I have been tackling the serious subjects of airport security, personal security in transit and airlines liquidating and going out of business.
As I have been rereading some information on aircraft being grounded due to the FAA Inspectors making glaring mistakes in their inspection of aircraft, the spiraling costs of fuel driving the cost of travel up and the increased problems with airport security I decided I needed some humour.
To break up the serious topics I have been covering, and give you a good laugh, I have dug up a classic stand-up routine by late comedian George Carlin that dissects the ‘Airline Announcements’ we all hear as we travel on commercial aircraft.
So……make sure you don’t watch the following videos while at work with the volume up. Don’t watch the following videos if you are easily offended. Don’t watch the following videos with your kids around.
No, there is no violence, no adult content, just a good long hysterical rant in a way that uniquely George Carlin.
Kick back, relax and be prepared to laugh!
–Click The Videos Below To Watch & Laugh–
Part 1
Part 2