Author: flyingfish

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Do You Need Some Incentive To Vote Aside From Democracy? How About Free Coffee From Starbucks?

Web: — E-Mail: 4/11/2008 – Do You Need Some Incentive To Vote Aside From Democracy? How About Free Coffee From Starbucks? Are you a U.S. Citizen who needs some incentive to go vote, aside from your civic duty, democracy and the participation in electing those who govern the town, county, city, state, nation…

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U.S. Election Day : GO VOTE!

Web: — E-Mail: 4/11/2008 – U.S. Election Day : GO VOTE! With more than 60% of my regular readers residing in the United States I have to say the following. Close your web browser, step away from your computer and go vote! I am not going to make this about politics. I have…

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Baggage Locks : Keys vs Combination

Web: — E-Mail: 3/11/2008 – Baggage Locks : Keys vs Combination All travelers worry about having items stolen from their bags while traveling. Having items stolen from checked baggage is just as frustrating as having items stolen from your carry on bags. When I travel I keep locks on all my bags, even…

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31/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Heathrow-on-Sea? : Perfect Travel Light Stand : Delta & Northwest Become One : Lufthansa & BMI : Lufty’s Expansion

Web: — E-Mail: 31/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Heathrow-on-Sea? : Perfect Travel Light Stand : Delta & Northwest Become One : Lufthansa & BMI : Lufty’s Expansion This has been a busy week on Flying With Fish. Wednesday provided no shortage of news for those who travel by air. Wednesday saw…

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Adorama To Host Flying With Fish Workshop Jan 29th

Web: — E-Mail: 30/10/2008 – Adorama To Host Flying With Fish Workshop Jan 29th The details are still being worked out, but the 2-to-2.5 hours workshop will be on Thursday January 29th starting at 6:30pm at Adorama in New York City. The following is the basic information for the evening workshop: ———START———Travel Logistics…

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Google Earth

Web: — E-Mail: 30/10/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Google Earth For quite some time people have enjoyed using Google Earth on their computers to check out various locations around the world. I have been using Google Earth in conjunction with United Airlines as a fun way to search for fares,…

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Northwest & Delta Are One Airline……well sort of…….

Web: — E-Mail: 29/10/2008 – Northwest & Delta Are One Airline……well sort of……. I guess this is goodbye to an old friend. A few times this year I have written about the merger of Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines. Like many flyers, as I have mentioned before, I have had a love-hate relationship…

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LH Pt 2 : Lufthansa Trimming Expansion While Taking Over 2 Airlines & Making A Play For 2 More

Web: — E-Mail: 29/10/2008 – LH Pt 2 : Lufthansa Trimming Expansion While Taking Over 2 Airlines & Making A Play For 2 More For an airline that is reportedly trimming its expenses, is Lufthansa spreading its self to thin? Lufthansa has recently announced that it will be trimming its routes to reduce…

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LH Pt 1: Lufthansa To Control BMI & Become 2nd Largest At Heathrow While Also Trimming Expansion

Web: — E-Mail: 29/10/2008 – LH Pt 1: Lufthansa To Control BMI & Become 2nd Largest At Heathrow While Also Trimming Expansion As Lufthansa‘s (LH) net profits fall 75% in the 3rd quarter of 2008 and it cuts it spending by US$318mil, the airline has announced it will be purchasing the controlling stock…

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Iceland’s Sterling Airways Shuts Down Stranding Thousands

Web: — E-Mail: 29/10/2008 – Iceland’s Sterling Airways Shuts Down Stranding Thousands This is a story we have read about more times in 2008 than I’d like to recall. Airlines folding one after another have spread panic and fear through the minds of holiday travelers around the world. This morning Icelandic airline Sterling…