Looking For An Adventure? Fly Around The World

Web:  www.comeflywithfish.com – E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com

25/12/2008 – Looking For An Adventure? Fly Around The World

Travellers and photographers tend to be adventurers and adventurers like…well they like adventure.

As your Chanukah Menorah becomes full of candles and you clear the wrapping paper away from under your Christmas tree, do you find yourself day dreaming about seeking out new photos and acquiring more stamps for your passport?

The New Year is a few days away. A new calendar on the way, a clean slate, your frequent flyer balance reverts to zero and the quest for new adventures begin. So as your daydreams take you to the four corners of the world, consider planning a round-the-world adventure.

The three major global airline alliances, Star Alliance, SkyTeam and OneWorld all offer round-the-world fares that make flying around the world more affordable than you might thing.

You can begin your day dreaming and planning right now if you’d like by clicking here for OneWorld’s Global Explorer Planner (www.oneworldrtw.innosked.com)

(SkyTeam has no online planner and Star Alliance’s planner is not Mac compatible).

Happy Flying!


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