Author: flyingfish

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‘Clear’ Registered Traveler User Information Stolen

Web: — E-Mail: 5/08/2008 – ‘Clear’ Registered Traveler User Information Stolen For the past few days I have been reading rumours and reports of a laptop being stolen from the Verified Identity Pass company office on the 26th of July, at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). What is the big deal with a…

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Killing Germs On The Road : Purell’s 1oz 2-Go Carrier

Web: — E-Mail: 4/08/2008 – Killing Germs On The Road : Purell’s 1oz 2-Go Carrier Let’s face it nearly everything you touch on the road is dirty. The check-in kiosk is dirty, the security lane bins are filthy, your arms rests on the plane are disgusting, and the tray table could probably be…

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Audio Clip Of Flying With Fish On the Charles Adler Radio Show Now Available

Web: — E-Mail: 2/08/2008 – Audio Clip Of Flying With Fish On the Charles Adler Radio Show Now Available This past Thursday I was a guest on the Charles Adler Show, a talk radio who that is broadcast throughout Canada. Yesterday an audio clip from the show was sent to me, and Scott…

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1/08/2008-The Weekly Round Up : Travel Sized Essentials; Check-In Kiosk Theft; iPhone App Of The Week; Emirates Goes Off Line; Your Laptop & US Custom

Web: — E-Mail: 1/08/2008-The Weekly Round Up : Travel Sized Essentials; Check-In Kiosk Theft; Flying With Fish Community; iPhone App Of The Week; Flying With Fish On The Air; Emirates Goes Off Line; US Customs Policy On Searching Your Data What a seemingly long week it has been. The airline industry stocks have…

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US Customs Has The Right To Search Your Laptop Without Cause : What You Can Do

Web: — E-Mail: 1/08/2008 – US Customs Has The Right To Search Your Laptop Without Cause : What You Can Do Over the past few weeks there have been many discussions between business travelers related to the U.S Customs & Boarder Protection‘s (US CBP) announcement that have the absolute right to detain laptops…

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Emirates ‘Goes Off Line’ (no, they didn’t go out of business……just off line)

Web: — E-Mail: 31/07/2008 – Emirates ‘Goes Off Line’ (no, they didn’t go out of business……just off line) What happens when a major international airline takes delivery of a brand new aircraft and is taking every opportunity to further their marketing? Well they might overlook simple marketing tools such as renewing their domain…

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Flying With Fish Featured On A Canadian National Radio Show Today……Tune In!

Web: — E-Mail: 31/07/2008 – Flying With Fish Featured On A Canadian National Radio Show Today……Tune In! This morning the Charles Adler Show contacted me, a talk radio show broadcast across Canada, to discuss the topic of passenger personal security. With the rate of airport thefts increasing and the tactics used by airport…

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : iPhone Tools For Road Warriors

Web: — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com30/07/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : iPhone Tools For Road Warriors Well it was bound to happen eventually. At some point I’d have to enter 2007 (yes, I said 2007). Not too long ago an original iPhone was provided to me to use and figure out how to turn…

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Flying With Fish Community For LiveJournal Users

Web: — E-Mail: 30/07/2008 – Flying With Fish Community For LiveJournal Users As Flying With Fish continues to expand and try and serve those on the road, and those who seek to be on the road, more completely, I have created a community for Flying With Fish readers on LiveJournal. LiveJournal is a…

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Are Thieves Using Self Check-in Kiosks?

Web: — E-Mail: 29/07/2008 – Are Thieves Using Self Check-in Kiosks? In the past week Canadian low cost airline WestJet stopped allowing passengers to check-in with their credit cards as the self check-in kiosks. WestJet is not trying to be difficult, they are not trying to force you to wait in line for…