Author: flyingfish

iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Flight Update Pro

Web: — E-Mail: 27/06/2009 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Flight Update Pro There is no shortage of iPhone Apps for travellers to track flights, I have half-a-dozen excellent Apps that can track flights, however this week’s iPhone App of the week, while a flight tracker, is really a complete ‘trip tracking…

Verified Identity Pass & Clear Vanish : Why & What Happens Now?

Web: — E-Mail: 24/06/2009 – Verified Identity Pass & Clear Vanish : Why & What Happens Now? The departure of the Registered Traveler “Clear Program” isn’t all that clear. What is clear is that on the morning of Monday June 22nd Clear sent out an easy to overlook, rather unclear, e-mail to its…

The Demise Of Airline Service & The Personal Touch

Web: — E-Mail: 23/06/2009 – The Demise Of Airline Service & The Personal Touch Today’s Flying With Fish post on the demise of airline service, and the death of the Golden Era of Flying is a detailed discussion of the success and failure of certain airlines, running about 26 minutes long…and it can’t…

10 Ways To Rock The Full Flight…and increase your travel karma

Web: — E-Mail: 22/06/2009 – 10 Ways To Rock The Full Flight…and increase your travel karma Full flights are great for airlines and often intolerable for passengers. As a human species we’re generally selfish, we like our personal space and while sitting in a cramped airline seat we prize ever last millimeter of…

A Birthday Cake Any Photographer Would Love (You HAVE To Check This Out!)

Web: — E-Mail: 21/06/2009 – A Birthday Cake Any Photographer Would Love I am going to break with how my entries on Flying With Fish are normally written. This entry has nothing to do with travel and barely has anything to do with photography…and while my entries have always only had photos and…

Packing Your Tripod In Carry-On Baggage

Web: — E-Mail: 19/06/2009 – Packing Your Tripod In Carry-On Baggage As new fees become increasingly common place for travellers more photographers are seeking to reduce their checked baggage.   This reduction in checked baggage is increasingly including the need to carry a tripod on-board flights as part of travelling photographers cabin baggage. While…

iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Airline Seat Guide

Web: — E-Mail: 18/06/2009 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Airline Seat Guide This week’s iPhone App of the Week is a must for every traveller when selecting their seats.  Boarding a plane to find you are stuck in an undesirable seat is never pleasant and being informed can make the seat-selection…

Do Some Airline CEOs Have A Distorted View Of The Industry?

Web: — E-Mail: 17/06/2009 – Do Some Airline CEOs Have A Distorted View Of The Industry? It seems that many airline executives are out of touch with the reality of the industry.  This is not to say there are not some outstanding airline executives and CEOs, but some at the top of the…

Why Does Alitalia Grant Elite Frequent Flyer Status For Only 18 Days?

Web: — E-Mail: 15/06/2009 – Why Does Alitalia Grant Elite Frequent Flyer Status For Only 18 Days? Over the past year I have frequently commented on Alitalia, the Italian national airline. Alitalia’s death has been predicted time and time again, and while I am one of the few who seems to see the…