
10 Years Ago Today Airline Travelers Lost Their Shoes

Over the past ten years the changes in commercial air travel have been extensive, airlines have disappeared, mainline flights have been down gauged to regional jets, airline meals are hard to come by … and of course airport security has become an irritating process, with one of the top complaints being the forced removal of…

Are Airlines Really Sorry? Lets Find Out Who Is Apologetic

Are airlines apologetic for a poor passenger experience? Many travelers would say no.   With more travelers interacting with airlines via social media and airing their complaints with airlines publicly through Twitter, I decided to pick fifteen active airline Twitter accounts, from the 100 most active airline Twitter feeds I follow, and find out.  …

Complaining via Social Media While Traveling

Complaining while traveling used to involve standing around and muttering to yourself, picking up the phone, standing in line to see a supervisor or writing a letter … now travelers can stand in place whining to themselves while simultaneously kvetching on Twitter and Facebook.   If you plan to complain through social media channels, be…

In Flight Service At 30,000 feet … how passengers see it

Airline passengers often complain that airlines offer them increasingly few options in flight and that airlines are disconnected from passengers needs.   Whether or not airlines are in fact how passengers perceive them is not relevant … because sometimes we just need to laugh at the whole travel experience.   I have to credit Jon Norris,…

Congress Focuses On TSA Uniforms Rather Than Real Issues

Recently Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced House Resolution 3608, the Stop TSA’s Reach In Policy Act … also known as the STRIP Act, which would “strip” Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Security Officers (TSO) of their “police like” badges and “law enforcement” uniforms.   Before we can go forward in discussing Rep. Blackburn’s STRIP Act,…