
“Two Men Enter Two Airports, One With A Rectal Bomb…” (this is not a typo)

As I have been digging deeper into the ineffectiveness of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) current security procedures in the face of the current threat assessments for a likely terrorist attack on a commercial airliner I have received quite few opinions on the situation at hand. It seems each assessment is more grim than the…

Fish Lets You Directly Question An Airline Executive!

The airline industry has its ups and downs, its lovers and its haters and if nothing else … everyone seems to want the chance to grill an airline top executive.  Well … Flying With Fish is giving you the chance to do just that! Starting today through both this blog and my Twitterstream (@FlyingWithFish) an…

The TSA – Israeli Style Security – The 4th Amendment

Over the past week I have received literally thousands of emails from people who have read my posts on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). These e-mails are as varied in opinion as the fabric of people that weave the United States together. Of all the emails I have read, more than 300 of them shared…

Will You Encounter A TSA Whole Body Scanner? Statistically No

The uproar surrounding the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) use of whole body image scanners has dominated the travel news at the start of this holiday season.   With all the anger and animosity being brought to the forefront of public attention, one aspect has been largely overlooked … how few passengers will encounter the TSA whole…

TSA Clarifies Policy For Pat Down Refusal In Time For Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the 23rd of November, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is expected to publicly announce its clarified policy for those who refuse a pat down. This clarification comes in time for National Opt Out Day and Thanksgiving. The new clarified policy for those who refuse pat downs by a TSA Transportation Security Officer (TSO),…

TSA ID Checks : Security or Revenue Protection?

Over the course of the past few years, as travelers have experienced changes in the evolution of airport security procedures, the first layer everyone now experiences is the presentation of their valid government identification with their boarding pass. While other countries have begun to implement boarding pass verification at the point a passenger begins the…

How The TSA Legally Circumvents The Fourth Amendment

A constant complaint from those opposed to the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new ‘enhanced’ pat down searches is that these pat downs violate a traveler’s Fourth Amendment rights. For those unfamiliar with the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution it reads “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,…

TSA Enhanced Pat Downs : The Screeners Point Of View

In the past few weeks since the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implemented its new “enhanced” pat down procedures there has been considerable backlash from the traveling public. This backlash has been loud and angry … but what is not heard or seen in the media is the quiet resentment of this new policy within the…

Reader Mail & Comments : I Got Detained By The TSA

Yesterday I wrote about being briefly detained by the Connecticut State Police, at the request of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and that once detained I was informed that I was not free to leave Bradley International Airport. Since my post went up I received both comments on the blog and in my email that…