
iPad App of the Week : Malaysia Airlines MHmobile

This week’s iPad App of the Week is not earth shattering, it’s not even pretty to look at … but it stands alone among all other iPad Apps. This week’s iPad App of the Week is Malaysia Airlines’ MHmobile. MHmobile is the first iPad specific app released by an airline.   The MHmobile iPad app is…

The New United Is #1 : Up & Down Game Of On-Time Performance

Airlines will constantly juggle who is #1 in any given category. Nearly every month and every quarter airlines adjust statistics to promote their top ranked aspects … so … … the official on time performance numbers for August have been released by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the top on-time airlines in the United…

Reader Mail : What’s The Oddest Thing The TSA Has Taken From You?

Ahhh … airport security regulations preventing items from passing with a passenger through a security checkpoint. They are not always consistent, and sometimes the encounters while frustrating at the time can be humourous once the dust has settled later on. This week’s reader mail comes from Ron in Houston. Ron asks “With Lady Gaga being…

Reader Mail : “Why do you hate US Airways?” … I don’t

Today’s reader mail was apparently inspired by a reader mail post from this past July, and is one that isn’t really a fair question. This reader mail comes from Marcy who asks “I just finished reading your “Why does it seem you hate the TSA?” reader mail and was struck with this question, why do…