
What Is The True Cost Of U.S. Airport Security?

At the time the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created on the 19th of November 2001 by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act the annual cost of airport security in the private sector in the United States was an estimated US$700,000,000 … or US$849,897,815 adjusted to 2010 dollars. Presently the cost of “Aviation Security” within…

Airlines Earn Even More Money On Your Baggage In 2010’s First Quarter

The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics has released the 2010 1st Quarter earnings for airlines in the United States. While earnings from checked baggage fees are in the stratosphere, the overall look at the ancillary revenue numbers show a surprising potential overall dip from last year’s annual totals. Back in the fourth quarter of 2008…

Ryanair vs UK Air Passenger Duty – Is Ryanair Right?

Today Irish low cost carrier Ryanair has announced it will be reducing its winter flights by 16%.  While most airlines make their announcements and move on, Ryanair’s CEO Michael O’Leary is making public statement that the United Kingdom’s Air Passenger Duty (APD) is ‘damaging’ the airline industry and creating capacity reductions in the United Kingdom….

Two Weeks Until U.S. Passport Fees Increase…Don’t Delay!

Are you sitting around staring at your passport forms thinking “I should get a passport?”  Well if you need some incentive the current cost of a Passport in the United States for an adult is US$75 plus an additional US$25 “Acceptance Fee” for a total of US$100. In two weeks, starting on the 13th of…

A Lens Combo For Traveling Photographers : Sigma’s 12-24f4.5-5.6 & 120-300f2.8

As I have been delving further in combing still photography, video shooting and travel I have also been exploring new equipment to maximize my potential in creating images I want while reducing the amount of equipment I carry. In the process of checking out all sorts of gizmos, gadgets and lenses I found an unlikely…

Airport Lounges, Personal Security & Remembering You’re In Public!

Two topics I have frequently written about on Flying With Fish are traveler security and travel etiquette … and two days ago, at 8:30am CST these two topics came crashing together at the United Airlines Red Carpet Club at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Throughout the past few years I have detailed both how airport thieves…