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Flying With Fish Is Moving!

Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com

15/08/2008 – Flying With Fish Is Moving!

I’m flapping my wings and moving to a new fish bowl!

My move this weekend happens both physically and online. My online move begins today as I change web hosts. After years of happily swimming around with S2F, the hosting business is closing up shop. The creators of S2F founded PhotoShelter (www.photoshelter.com) a few years ago and have chosen to focus entirely on that business. For you photographers looking for an outstanding and professional place to host and control your archive, for both clients or stock sales you should check into PhotoShelter.

In the land of linear time and space my house is being packed and we’re taking the show on the road! After four years of living in a cramped house (in all fairness when I moved into this house I only had one kid and one large dog and now I have three kids and two large dogs) we’re moving from a fishbowl to a full-sized aquarium. While the move is physically less than one mile the new place will let my kids spread their wings out and swim around with more space and freedom (and I’ll get my own office…..woohoo!)

So, for those of you who check Flying With Fish daily,the web address www.flyingwithfish.com will be off-line for 24-to-48 hours, however you can pop in and visit Flying With Fish at: http://flyingwithfish.blogspot.com . During this transition my e-mail may be delayed for up to two days as well.

Posts on Flying With Fish next week may be sporadic as we get settled in and I will have no internet installed in my house until at least Thursday.

Happy Flying.

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