
Reader Mail : “TSA VIPR Teams, What Exactly Are They Doing?”

Today’s reader mail comes from Vincent R., from Springfield, Massachusetts. Vincent writes “I have noticed the TSA in my local Amtrak station during the past few months. Amtrak Police refer to these uniformed TSA officers as TSA VIPR Teams. What exactly are they doing?”   Well Vincent, over the past few years there has been…

US Passes ‘No Hassle Flying Act’ & Doesn’t Reduce Hassle

Yesterday the United States’ 112th Congress’ 2nd Session passed S. 3542, the “No Hassle Flying Act of 2012” , which is now being sent to the White House to be signed into law by The President of the United States.   Before you get excited that the U.S. Congress has done something to reduce the…

Is Kansas City’s Runway 1R Approach Perfect For Thanksgiving?

Airports around the world have some interesting five-letter names to assist pilots in lining up for their runway approaches, which I have previously written about here – Airport Waypoints That Will Make You Laugh.   But on this day of Thanksgiving, a day of Turkeys being slow cooked, roasted and deep fried around the United…

Does TSA “Randomly” Pat Down Women More Than Men?

The mere mention of the term “Enhanced Pat Down” is enough to send many travelers into an endless rant about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). One issue a significant group of travelers (women) seems to bring up is that more women are selected for pat downs than men.   This is a statistic the TSA has…