
Reader Mail: “What are the numbers on the big board?”

This week’s reader mail took a bit of help from to a ‘ramp monkey’ up at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport (YYZ) … so before I begin I need to say Thank You! This week’s reader mail comes from Allen Phillip who writes, “I know you frequently fly from Philly and wonder if you know what…

Debunking TSA Incidents – Passenger vs TSA & Austin Police

[EDIT FOR CORRECTION: 28-DECEMEMBER-2010 – 2:46PM EST – Original report stated Ms. Hirschkind refused the TSA AIT scanners, however AUS does not presently have AIT scanners] Last Wednesday, the 22nd of December, a disturbing news story about a woman with a pace maker, who is a rape survivor, being knocked to the ground, handcuffed, dragged…

New TSA Directive For Christmas : Explosive Swabs of Sippy Cups

Just in time for Christmas, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has added a new directive to its front line playbook. This morning, the 23rd of December, the TSA began mandatory explosive trace detection (ETD) on all thermoses and insulated children’s’ sippy cups. While thermoses and sippy cups must be empty when passing through an airport…