US Airways

Qatar Airways & US Airways : An Unusual Alliance?

Web: — E-Mail: 05/04/2009 – Qatar Airways & US Airways : An Unusual Alliance? Last week an unusual, and somewhat one-sided, alliance was formed between two international airlines. On the 2nd of April Qatar Airways and US Airways announced a code-share agreement between the two airlines. This agreement opens up the Middle East,…

Checked Baggage Fees : Will They Go Away? Can You Avoid Them?

Web: — E-Mail: 28/03/2009 – Checked Baggage Fees : Will They Go Away? Can You Avoid Them? Checked baggage fees have been a hot topic over the past year and I receive quite a few e-mails asking when I think the fees will be removed and how to avoid the fees. First off,…

How Does The Media Figure Out An Airlines’ Losses?

Web:— E-Mail: 11/03/2009 – How Does The Media Figure Out An Airlines’ Losses? When you read the news and reporters discuss airlines being up and down it can sometimes be hard to gauge how exactly how an airline’s ‘plus/minus’ is determined.   In fact, it is not one easy factor to determine how an…

Should Peanuts Be Served On Flights? : Northwest Reintroduces Peanuts

Web: — E-Mail: 17/02/2009 – Should Peanuts Be Served On Flights? : Northwest Reintroduces Peanuts On February 1st Northwest Airlines announced that they would switch from handing out pretzels back to peanuts.  Delta Airlines‘ spokesman Anthony Black states this has to do with the merging of Northwest & Delta Airlines. Delta being an…

The TSA Gets A New Boss : Will We See A New TSA?

Web: — E-Mail: 23/01/2009 – The TSA Gets A New Boss : Will We See A New TSA? On the 20th of January 2009, with the swearing in of a new United States President, Kip Hawley bid his position at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ‘Chief’ farewell. Kip Hawley caught a lot of…

Why Is A Cactus Pushing From The Gate? : Airport Radio Jargon

Web: — E-Mail: 30/12/2008 – Why Is A Cactus Pushing From The Gate? : Airport Radio Jargon Late last week I received an e-mail from a reader of Flying With Fish trying to understand what they were listening to on United Airlines‘ Channel 9.   Passengers who fly United Airlines can listen to the…

Happy Holidays From Flying With Fish!

Web: — E-Mail: 21/12/2008 – Happy Holidays From Flying With Fish! Tonight at sundown we begin the ‘official’ start of the 2008 Holiday Season. Tonight at sunset we begin the first night of Chanukah, three nights from now is Christmas Eve, followed by the start of Kwanzaa the day after Christmas. So as…