How Do You Edit Your Photos On The Road? Editing For Social On The Fly
A constant question during the #SkyTeamRTW journey was enquiring how I was editing my photos for real time social media publishing.
As the round the world social media campaign was created by, and undertaken by, a long time professional news photographer (namely Me) , the logical answer would have been Photo Mechanic to sort and Photoshop to edit … but that was not the case. Given that the entire #SkyTeamRTW project was shot with a mix of an iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s, all of the editing, and subsequent cataloging on the road was done entirely with iPhone Apps. Every photo had the same process.
All photos were selected in iPhoto (now “Photos” on iOS 8), followed by the app’s white balance selection tool. The photos were saved then opened in the Snapseed App, applying between +5 and +15 with HDR Scape, +5 Details, then cropping to a square for Instagram. Once done with Snapseed, the image files were opened in Any Mark to add the #SkyTeamRTW logo into the image. From there the final image was uploaded to Instagram.
While three apps and multiple steps were used for every image that appeared, the process is very quick and very easy. Less than one minute was spent editing each image to allow every photo to have a similar visual style.
I encourage every traveler to try different apps, regardless of what phone they use to shoot photos while they travel, and find what works for them. If you need help with your photos, consider joining the weekly #TravelPics travel chat on Twitter, you can find a great group of travelers and photographers every Monday at 3:00pm EST.
Happy Flying!