Attn Photogs: Limited Space Left For The 24-Hour Photo BootCamp That Will Transform How You Shoot!

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1/06/2009 – Attn Photogs: Limited Space Left For The 24-Hour Photo BootCamp That Will Transform How You Shoot!

When & Where:
June 21st – New York / JFK  — ONLY TWO SLOTS REMAIN OPEN
June 28th – San Francisco / SFO — ONLY THREE SLOTS REMAIN OPEN

Photography is is about visual exploration, it is about taking chances…and it is about being prepared.

As photographers each and every one of us gets preconceived notions in our head about the photos we want to shoot when we visit a new city, a well travelled city, a wedding, a news story, on vacation or in our own neighbourhood. Sometimes these images present themselves to us and sometimes we simply don’t have the time or luxury to wait for these photos to appear.  When the moment-isn’t-right we must adapt, overcome and trudge on to create the compelling images we desire.

The Flying With Fish Travel-Photo BootCamp is unlike any educational experience you have encountered as a photographer.  Most travel photography workshops lead participants to beautiful settings and allow the students all the time in the world to explore their surroundings. The Travel-Photo BootCamp takes its participants to a location that won’t be disclosed to them until they arrive at the airport for an intensive 24-hour journey, gives participants no information to prepare for the destination they are headed for and forces participants to learn, adapt, overcome and achieve in extremely limited periods of time.

Once we arrive at our destination participants will be on their feet and moving for up to 10-straight hours. Students will be intentionally put into challenging situations and handed assignments  designed to challenge their skills in situations where many fail…however along the way each participant will be coached on looking for the opportunities to succeed !

What photographers can benefit from The Travel-Photo BootCamp? EVERYONE!

The skills learned leading up to The Travel-Photo BootCamp, and throughout the evolution of the day, will enhance any photographer’s ability while in the field shooting. The exercises participants will be faced with are designed to benefit weekend hobbyist and full-time professionals, regardless of their the type of subjects they normally photograph.

This BootCamp is not a travel photography workshop. We will not be seeking ‘the beautiful sunset, we will be creating captivating images with no time to wait for perfection. Travel is simply a form of education designed to force photographers of all abilities to learn new shooting skills while disoriented, tired, cranky and cut off from their arsenal of equipment.

How does The Travel-Photo BootCamp force a photographer outside their comfort zone? Simple? Through various photo assignment scenarios, within significant time constraints, giving participants every opportunity to succeed in situations designed to make them fail.

This is how it is done:
1) Participants are strictly restricted on the equipment they can bring with them. Prior to The BootCamp each participant will receive individual attention to assist in the process of selecting equipment, choosing a bag and stripping their kit out to only travel with the essentials

2) Participants have no idea where they are headed to plan for the workshop. We meet at the airport and the destination is only revealed when you’re handed your boarding pass

3) Participants will get on a fairly long flight at some time of the day when they should be sleeping, sitting upright in a seat 17” wide, and not presented with any location preparation materials.

4) Upon arrival participants will be briefed on their first assignment and be required to quickly execute this assignment before being handed the next assignment. Deadlines are very real, ground-planning logistics are real…and equipment restrictions are real.

5) Participants will be required to use public transportation and rely on their navigating skills.

6) Participants will be in their undisclosed city for less than 12 hours between flights. This time includes landing, briefing, travel time to city, shooting time, between-assignment-meetings, getting back to the airport, clearing security and getting back on the flight home.

When are the BootCamps?
June 21st, departing New York City / JFK Airport before you should be awake
June 28th, departing San Francisco/SFO Airport around bed-time

What does the BootCamp cost?
From JFK: US$775, including airfare and applicable taxes & fees (one seat left at $750)
From SFO: US$825, including airfare and applicable taxes & fees (one seat left at $800)

Does this sound like the photo education experience you’ve been craving? Of course it does!

Want to come along? Signing up is easy! Simply send your registration fee via PayPal to:

Not totally convinced yet? Well them, how about an added incentive? All participants in The Travel-Photo BootCamp will receive a Mountainsmith pack of my choice courtesy of Mountainsmith. I have used Mountaismith bags all over the world for years as a working photographer. I love their products and I am sure you will too!

Happy Flying!


  1. When you organising one here in UK?

    (note we are a bit more relaxed here – might want to make it 36 hours or even a slack 48!)

  2. Find 4 photog friends and I can have a BootCamp set up pretty quickly:0)

    I prefer a 24hr BootCamp because it reflects how I work. I do not stay in one place more than a day, often with less than 12 hours on the ground from the time I land until the time I depart.

    I can do a 48hr BootCamp easily, provided everyoe follows the simple rules ‘you must be able to carry EVERYTHING you need on your back while out shooting.

    Happy Flying!


  3. I am intrigued? I found your site when looking for Think Tank Skin Reviews. It seems your boot camp is postponed to August… maybe this would work for me. Are there more details anywhere? I’d be flying out of Seattle…

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