Author: flyingfish

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10/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Loyalty Can Save You Money : Stay Safe In New Places : TSA Thief Busted : Securing Checked Bags :Meals Goes Green

Web: — E-Mail: 10/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Loyalty Can Save You Money : Stay Safe In New Places : TSA Thief Busted : Securing Checked Bags :Meals Goes Green This week Flying With Fish has significantly been dedicated to staying safe while traveling. The common thread between Tuesday and Wednesday…

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China Airlines Reduces Its Carbon Footprint In A Unique Way

Web: — E-Mail: 10/10/2008 – China Airlines Reduces Its Carbon Footprint In A Unique Way Flying With Fish has frequently discussed ways for travelers to reduce their carbon footprint. From purchasing carbon offsets to choosing smaller rental cars, Flying With Fish is an avid supporter of the reduction of a traveler’s carbon footprint….

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Lightsaber

Web: — E-Mail: 9/10/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Lightsaber This week’s iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week comes from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away………and it has absolutely nothing to do with photography or travel. In fact if I was pressed to come up with a useful…

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Protecting Your Sensitive Valuables In Checked Baggage : A Last Resort

Web: — E-Mail: 8/10/2008 – Protecting Your Sensitive Valuables In Checked Baggage : A Last Resort WARNING: THE FOLLOWING LAST RESORT SUGGESTION IS ONLY VALID FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL WITHIN THE UNITED STATES With the recent news of a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener being caught and confessing to the theft of hundreds of…

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Airport TSA Security Screener Busted For One-Man Theft Ring

Web: — E-Mail: 7/10/2008 – Airport TSA Security Screener Busted For One-Man Theft Ring What happens when those charged with protecting the flying public become those stealing from the flying public? This has come up time-and-time again. Nearly 300 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Screening Officers (TSO) have been discharged and arrested in…

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Staying Safe In An Unfamiliar Environment : Don’t Be A Lost Tourist

Web: — E-Mail: 7/10/2008 – Staying Safe In An Unfamiliar Environment : Don’t Be A Lost Tourist A significant concern of many photographers when working in unfamiliar surroundings is protecting themselves and their equipment. When working in an unfamiliar location many photographers have a tendency to either have a false sense of security…

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Save Money By Being A Loyal Frequent Flyer

Web: — E-Mail: 6/10/2008 – Save Money By Being A Loyal Frequent Flyer Did you know that loyalty to an airline, or airline alliance, can save you 5%-7% in travel expenses? Each year there are nearly a dozen business travel forecasts I read. These annual travel forecasts vary widely and I am often…

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3/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : SWA’s new threat to UA & AA; The Smell Of Jet-A; Pilot Pensions; Tripods As Carry-on; BA & Qantas iPho

Web: — E-Mail: 3/10/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : SWA’s new threat to UA & AA; The Smell Of Jet-A; Pilot Pensions; Tripods As Carry-on; BA & Qantas iPhone Apps I think I’ll start this weekly round up with something not covered this week on Flying With Fish. Earlier this week Southwest…

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iPhone ‘Apps’ Of The Week : BA Flights & Qantas Mobile (yes, there are two this week)

Web: — E-Mail: 2/10/2008 – iPhone ‘Apps’ Of The Week : BA Flights & Qantas Mobile (yes, there are two this week) While I do not fly either British Airways (BA) or Qantas (QF) with any regularity, these two OneWorld Alliance airlines make up this weeks pair of iPhone ‘Apps’ Of The Week….

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Can I Carry My Tripod On-board My Flight?

Web: — E-Mail: 1/10/2008 – Can I Carry My Tripod On-board My Flight? What is the #1 question I am asked by nature and landscape photographers? “Can I carry my tripod on board my flight?” There is good news for those of you who like to travel with your tripod, monopod or light-stand…