
Guest Post : Top Five Tips For Flying With An Infant

Today’s post on Flying With Fish is a guest post from Jasmine Decarie, author of mommyredefined.com. Jasmine, a marketing professional,  communicator, airline travel junkie,  runner (why do people run voluntarily?) and last but certainly not least … a Mom … offers up some great tips on flying with an infant.   There are lots of…

Is Gulf Air Being Liquidated or Sold Off Imminent?

A joint Bahraini Parliament and Shura Council Committee was established on Monday to explore whether Bahrain’s national flag carrier, Gulf Air, should be severely downsized, sold, liquidated, or either liquidating or selling the airline, then establishing a new airline.   Gulf Air has struggled to become profitable, and despite the CEO’s pledge to not “request…

Saudi Arabia Sets The Stage For Dueling National Airlines

Saudi Arabia has been rewriting the rulebook when it comes to airlines recently. As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been working to privatize its national flag carrier, Saudi Arabian Airlines, the government has been seeking to create a more competitive airline landscape. Recently, after months of deliberation, The Kingdom opened up opportunities for foreign…

Rand Paul vs The TSA … grandstanding vs action

Yesterday Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was stopped by a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Transportation Security Officer (TSO) at Nashville International Airport after he alarmed passing through the walk through metal detector, while on his way to Washington DC for a Senate vote. Like all passengers who alarm walking through the TSA checkpoint metal detector, the…

Libya Set To Return Airlines To The Skies

Nearly a year ago a revolution was set in motion in Libya, grounding the nation’s two primary airlines, Afriqiyah Airways and Libyan Airlines.  At the time the Libyan Uprising began on the 15th of February 2011 Afriqiyah Airwaysand Libyan Airlines were two years into a planned merger … now three months following the end of…

You Can Help Airlines Return Your Lost Bags To You

Lost baggage is not fun for anyone. For travelers, lost baggage means no clothes, no toiletries, possibly lost business materials or gifts. For airlines, lost baggage means their staff is subjected to irate travelers, a decrease is customer satisfaction and the added expense of tracking down lost bags, shipping and delivering lost bags, not to…

Where Will You Be At 3:30pm EST Today? I’m Co-Hosting #TNI On Twitter

Twitter is a great place to met fellow travelers, travel enthusiasts, travel experts and people with some great stories from their journeys … one place to meet these folks is during the weekly #TNI chat, brought to you by the folks at ZipSetGo.com, every Thursday at 3:30pm EST   Every week #TNI, or Travelers Night…

Dept of Homeland Security Authorized To Monitor Journalists

Journalists have a tough job seeking out and reporting on stories. Gathering information as a journalist requires dedication, resources, a thick skin and the ability to build trust with your sources that they will remain protected. In the United States, a free press has been able to report on tough issues independent of government interference…