Aviation Safety & The U.S. Government Shut Down … this is scary

As the United States Government sends more than 800,000 “non-essential” employees home today due to the politically created standoff in Washington D.C., more than 2,500 of those sent packing are in fact not only essential, but critical to the safety of anyone getting on an airplane, or on the ground with a plane flying overhead….

U.S. Government Shut Down & Aviation Security … nothing to see here

Twelve hours ago the United States Government was shut down due to political gridlock on The Hill. As the nation’s elected representatives continue to play a game of chess using the citizens of the United States as pawns the business of airline travel must go on.   This morning I awoke to a flurry of…

Reader Mail : “How Can You Possibly Defend The TSA All The Time?”

Well today seems like as good a time as any for a reader mail, one of more than 2,200 I woke up to this morning, after posting Did The TSA & JetBlue Deny Travel For Looking Muslim During Ramadan? Nope yesterday evening.  I only read a little more than 100 of these emails, as the…

Did The TSA & JetBlue Deny Travel For Looking Muslim During Ramadan? Nope

This past Thursday afternoon I began receiving emails alerting me to a disturbing blog post by Aditya Mukerjee regarding his being detained by the Transportation Security Administration then denied boarding of a flight by JetBlue.  Mr. Mukerjee’s story of being a Hindu mistaken for a Muslim, then singled out, separated and questioned for three hours…

A German Gov’t VIP Jet, A Man In His Underwear & No Security

Just three days after the full-moon, the 25th of July, on a clear warm summer evening in Cologne, Germany, a 24 year old man reportedly got into an argument with his girlfriend and walked out of the house with a few ecstasy pills and a bag of marijuana.  The man, named Volkan T. (henceforth “Mr….

U.S. State Department Global Travel Warning & Why No One Cares

This afternoon the United States’ State Department issued a Worldwide Travel Alert for United States citizens globally (which links back to a February 19 2013 worldwide travel warning).   Travel warnings from the State Department have become a little bit like Chicken Little yelling, “the sky is falling.”  Travel cautions are constantly released, and worldwide…