Don’t Want To Go Home For The Holidays? Maybe An Airline Can Help

We all know someone who doesn’t want to go home for the holiday’s but feels obligated to … well if you know that person or you are that person, The Family Guy says an airline can help make it seem as if you’re going home, when instead you’re not.   Be prepared to laugh ……

Wifi In The Sky … That Is Faster Than Your Living Room

Today launched the official start of Jetblue’s new in-flight wifi service Fly-Fi, which will allow not only allow gate-to-gate wifi service starting in January 2014, but also speeds of 12Mbps from a geosynchronous satellite 22,000 miles up.   As Jetblue flight 9400 boarded aircraft N804JB today for non-stop service from New York’s JFK International Airport…

Do You Need Help Flying Home For The Holidays? Maybe Peter Shankman Can Help

Peter Shankman is well known for his social media presence, the books he writes, being a public speaker, founding HARO, sky diving, speaking almost as quickly as I do … and really for being a genuinely nice guy.   When you get beneath the public persona of many genuinely nice people they aren’t so genuine,…

British Airways’ Travel Choose Your Own Adventure Video … check this out …

As kids many of us probably remember reading the Choose Your Own Adventure series of books. The ability to change the direction of a story, or the out come of a moment, intertwined with our learning to read, comprehend and most importantly learn that our destiny is in our hands.   Travel is like a…

Airport Shops, Your One Stop Source For Bomb Supplies

Over the past few years I have written about all sorts of different threats to aviation security, and ways to bring weapons into airports and onto aircraft, with the intent of exposing gaps in security so they could be remedied.   While I have heard experts discuss the possibility of someone building a bomb from “household…

LAX Airport Shooting – Part 2 – TSA BDOs, Why?

Ten years ago the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) adopted a new concept for aviation security in the United States when it started the Screening of Passengers by Observation Technique (SPOT) Program, through the training and deployment of Behaviour Detection Officers (BDO).   The theory behind the TSA implementing BDOs is that these officers are not watching…

LAX Shooting – Part 1 – Securing The Airport

This past Friday, the 1st of November, Paul Ciancia walked into Los Angeles International Airport’s Terminal 3 with a singular mission, his mission was to shoot and kill Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees.  Upon arriving at the TSA Travel Document Checker (TCD) station at the entrance to the security checkpoint, Mr. Ciancia opened his bag…

TSA’s First Line Of Duty Death & The Gerardo Hernandez Memorial Fund

Regardless of anyone’s feelings for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) it is a tragic event that the TSA experienced the agency’s first Line of Duty Death this past Friday, the 1st of November, at Los Angeles International Airport.  While TSA Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) are the frequent butt of jokes or at the wrong end…

Travel Etiquette : Put Your Shirt On And No One Wants To See Your Nasty Underwear

The golden age of airline travel is long in the past. Gone are the days of men putting on their suits and woman putting on their best outfits to board a flight. Airline travel today is significantly different than it was when commercial jet aircraft first made their appearance and the majority of airline passengers…

Aviation Security Outside The Fence, Is It Viable?

Every day more than 30,000 potential threats take flight, carrying more than two million potential victims, in the United States.   The security presence in and around airports is apparent to all, with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) overseeing the screening of all passengers and the vast majority of airport staff, aided by local and federal…