airline travel

United Airlines’ New Unlimited Premier Baggage Plan…Is It Worth It?

Web: — E-Mail: 6/10/2009 – United Airlines’ New Unlimited Premier Baggage Plan…Is It Worth It? Yesterday United Airlines announced an interesting twist in airline baggage fees. While many airlines continue to experiment with secondary-revenue from passengers, through ‘unbundling’ airfares, United Airlines has created a new “Premier Baggage” fee scheme that allows travellers to…

Will Empty Bladders Reduce An Airline’s Carbon Footprint? ANA Says “Yes”

Web: — E-Mail: 3/10/2009 – Will Empty Bladders Reduce An Airline’s Carbon Footprint? ANA Says “Yes” Over the past few years’ airlines have been working to reduce their carbon footprints. KLM, with paint manufacturer Mankiewicz, created eco friendly aircraft paint; China Airlines partnered with MOS burger to develop eco-friendly meals; Air France has…

Can Airlines Generate Revenue Through In-Flight WiFi? Fish Discusses The Answer To Generating WiFi Revenue On Flight Global Today

Web: — E-Mail: 2/10/2009 – Can Airlines Generate Revenue Through In-Flight WiFi? Fish Discusses The Answer To Generating WiFi Revenue On Flight Global Today Since Boeing first launched it short-lived Connexion by Boeing service on the 17th of May 2004 airlines have been trying to sort out how to generate revenue through offering…

Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : Brett Snyder – The Cranky Flier

Web: — E-Mail: 22/09/2009 – Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : Brett Snyder – The Cranky Flier As a photographer, traveller and airline industry geek there are a few blogs I read on a daily basis. With the broad range of readers that Flying With Fish attracts I’d like to introduce to…

Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : The Flying Pinto – Insights & Humour From A Flight Attendant

Web: — E-Mail: 19/09/2009 – Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : The Flying Pinto – Insights & Humour From A Flight Attendant As a photographer, traveller and airline industry geek there are a few blogs I read on a daily basis. With the broad range of readers that Flying With Fish attracts…

Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : Benet Wilson – The Industry Journalist Extraordinaire

Web: — E-Mail: 17/09/2009 – Guest Posts From My Favourite Bloggers : Benet Wilson – The Industry Journalist Extraordinaire As a photographer, traveller and airline industry geek there are a few blogs I read on a daily basis. With the broad range of readers that Flying With Fish attracts I’d like to introduce…

How Do Airlines Lose Your Luggage? Let’s Find Out!

Web: — E-Mail: 13/08/2009 – How Do Airlines Lose Your Luggage? Let’s Find Out! A few days ago I wrote about making it easier for an airline to locate your lost luggage in this post 4/08/09 – Airline Lost Your Luggage? Help Them Find It Faster & More Reliably! Since writing this post…

In-Flight Theft : How Thieves Go Unnoticed On Planes

Web: — E-Mail: 6/08/2009 – In-Flight Theft : How Thieves Go Unnoticed On Planes As the travel season in the Northern Hemisphere peaks this month, I’d like to revisit the topic of theft in-flight. While this is a topic that virtually every airline would rather I didn’t discuss and is a topic often…