
GUEST POST : …and now…a message from

Within the community of airplane geeks, airline geeks, airport geeks, travel enthusiasts there are many subspecies of geeks. The most common species of airline and airport geeks are plane spotters and mileage runners. When it comes to subspecies of geeks, I’d probably fall into the niche of ‘airport sleeper aficionado’ … but today’s guest post…

Are You A Laviator? Do You Laviate? Have You Laviated?

Some time in early 2009 the world was introduced to a new term by flight attendant and blogger Heather Poole … the new term was a reference to people who shoot self-portraits of themselves in airplane lavatories. The new term was “Laviator.” Since the inception of the introduction of the term Laviator I have resisted…

British Airways’ New First Class … a whole new experience

Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of flying first class on long haul flights with a number of world-class airlines, including Lufthansa, Asiana, Virgin Atlantic, Air France, Swiss International Air Lines, Korean Air, United Airlines and Gulf Air … but this afternoon at London’s Heathrow Airport as I walked towards security…

Discovering Why Americans Are The Most Annoying Travellers

Back in November 2008 a survey by revealed that Americans are regarded as the most annoying travelers in the world. As an American who travels I often, and who frequently deals with American travellers, I find myself observing some Americans on the road and feeling just a wee bit embarrassed that I share a…

Your Flight Has Been Cancelled Due To A Volcano Eruption…

Anyone who moderate travel experience has heard all sorts of delay explanations announced. The most common delays and cancellations are simply “weather” or “mechanical” … but today and for the next few days one of the more rare natural disaster delays and cancellations reasons will be give to passengers throughout Europe … Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano…