Where Has Fish Been For The Past 10 Days? No Where Fun.

Web: www.comeflywithfish.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com

19/01/2009 – Where Has Fish Been For The Past 10 Days? No Where Fun.

As some of you may have noticed, Flying With Fish went on an unexpected break for the past 10 days. For those of you who dropped me e-mails to see if I was on the road, thanks for the e-mails…and I would have much rather been on the road.

My weeklong break was not intentional, but more of a forced break, suggested by my health. I am not the kind of person to take a break, I love that one of Isaac Newton’s laws of physics is that an object in motion will remain in motion until it is stopped. Well I didn’t stop so much, I more or less crashed.

Since this past summer I have had a constant (and very uncharacteristic) battle for energy related to a health issue. This health issue resulted in me undergoing surgery in late August. Being the person I am I was released from the hospital a few days after my surgery to go home and rest. I took one day to rest, then headed off to a full day of shooting photos more than 100 miles home. A week later the pressure bandages wrapped around the 5-inch (12.7cm) incision in the base of my neck were removed, and less that two hours later I was sitting in a US Airways Club at Bradley International Airport (BDL), outside Hartford, CT, waiting to fly back-to-back transcontinental flights to photograph a 14-hour job.

It seems medical professionals have a specific term for what I was doing…this term is “Dumb.”

I have slowly adjusted my travel and work schedule to adjust to healing, recovery, chemical changes as a result of medications, but my mind was wiling. A willing mind is a great resource but when medications aren’t doing their job, you cannot will them to, and it seems last week my body simply revolted and finally I listened.

So in the past week there has been some significant news and stories related to the airline industry. I was tempted to write about many of them, but choose to try and focus on life outside of photography and travel. I’m pretty sure being away from photography; travel and researching photography & travel only increased my blood pressure, though medical professionals may disagree.

So where do I go from here? Back to doing what I have been doing, love doing and continue to do. I may continue to slow my physical travel to let my body and health fully catch up to the toll travel can take on a traveller, but my research and constant monitoring of situations relevant to traveling photogs and travelers in general will not be deterred.

There is so much to see and explore in the world, endless possibilities to photographing subjects from people to architecture and as you go out and seek out your adventures. Flying With Fish will continue to be a consistent source of information for all travellers.

The smell of Type-A Jet Fuel wafting through the air is calling me and I’ll be getting back on the road just as soon as I can!

Happy Flying!
–Click Image Below To Enlarge–

a shadow of a person with a luggage bag


  1. Steve,

    Good luck to you with your health issues whatever they may be. I very much enjoy your column and look forward to the future in what ever way you need to modify it. Heck maybe something that talks about dealing with health and taking care of yourself while out and about shooting, might be in order.

    In some ways it is enlightening to find out that you are human too! I was beginning to feel like a real wimp compared to your travels.

  2. I wish the very best for your recovery…

    … even as i am only a hobbyist – and am not traveling to much i really love reading this blog, as it tells stories i digg.

    keep getting better!

    greetings from germany, hamburg

  3. Fish,

    I’ve been wondering, and now I know. Take care of yourself. I can wait another week or two for your advice, so don’t hurry on my behalf. Maybe someday you’ll be in the Chicago area for longer than a lay-over, and maybe we can get together for a beer or sandwich.

    Thank you for this blog, but your health is more important.

    Take care.


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