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Security Of Checked Baggage : Is There A Better Way?

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 24/05/2008 – Security Of Checked Baggage : Is There A Better Way? Last night while watching a line of people check in for the late ANA (NH) flight from Hong Kong (HKG) to Tokyo (HND), I found myself watching one man running tape around his zipper at the check in…

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23/05/2008-Weekly Roundup: Safer Airline Seats? Flying With Fish Airs On TV!, Navigating Airport Security, American Airlines Nickel-&-Diming Bags

Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 23/05/2008-Weekly Roundup: Safer Airline Seats? Flying With Fish Airs On TV!, Navigating Airport Security, American Airlines Nickel-&-Diming Bags This week’s Weekly Round Up is being written from Hong Kong International Airport‘s Terminal 2 (HKG), with a slightly stiff neck and semi-sore lower back, after 18 hours traveling from New York’s…

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American Airlines’ New Baggage Policy : Is There A Line Between Legacy Airlines & Low Cost Carriers Anymore?

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 22/05/2008 – American Airlines’ New Baggage Policy : Is There A Line Between Legacy Airlines & Low Cost Carriers Anymore? Over the past few years the line between “Legacy Airlines” and “Low Cost Carries” (LCC) have been blurring. Yesterday American Airlines (AA) made an announcement that has further removed the…

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Airport Security Screening System : Get Through Security With Ease & Safety

Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 21/05/2008 – Airport Security Screening System : Get Through Security With Ease & Safety After appearing on Good Morning America yesterday with tips on how to get safely and efficiently get through an airport security check point I received a number of e-mails asking me to detail my process. My…

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Are Some Seats On The Plane Safer Than Others?

Web: www.flyingwithfish.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 19/05/2008 – Are Some Seats On The Plane Safer Than Others? Over the past few months the question of “which are the safest seats on the plane” has come up a few times when helping people plan their flights. I always stop and wonder about this question, because there is…

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16/05/2008 – Weekly Roundup: Flying With Fish On ABC News! ; A New Web Site; Network With Flyers; Fare Wars? ; Passenger Etiquette; Flying With Babies

Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 16/05/2008 – Weekly Roundup: Flying With Fish On ABC News! ; A New Web Site; Network With Flyers; Fare Wars? ; Passenger Etiquette; Flying With Babies I’m starting this week’s ‘Weekly Round Up’ at the end of the week, rather than the beginning of the week. Yesterday, Thursday the 15th…

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Mr. Fish Goes To Washington – Good Morning America To Feature Flying With Fish!

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 15/05/2008 – Mr. Fish Goes To Washington – Good Morning America To Feature Flying With Fish! This afternoon was spent at Washington DC’s Reagan National Airport being taping a piece for Good Morning America for a story on passenger security, while in TSA screening checkpoints. It was an interesting experience…

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Flying With Babies, For Those Of You Sitting Near A Crying Baby……Deal With It!

Web: www.thetravelstrategist.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 15/05/2008 – Flying With Babies, For Those Of You Sitting Near A Crying Baby……Deal With It! As I sit on my early morning Southwest Airlines flight from Providence (PVD) to Baltimore (BWI) I am inspired to write this while listening to a screaming baby slowly calming down and (hopefully) falling…

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Passenger Etiquette – The Basics Of Being A Courteous Flyer

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 14/05/2008 – Passenger Etiquette – The Basics Of Being A Courteous Flyer Is there such as a thing as airline passenger etiquette? There is a grey area when we board a cramped flight, departing late, and squeeze ourselves into a narrow seat. We jockey for position at the boarding gate;…