#SkyTeamRTW’s Travel Winds Down … Now It Is Your Turn To Share.

Last night I hopped an Air Europa flight from Madrid to Buenos Aires, arriving in Argentina a little after 8:00am this morning. This evening I hop a flight with Aerolineas Argentinas back to New York’s JFK International Airport, where #SkyTeamRTW  started its journey, and #SkyTeamRTW ‘s travel is done for now … but the adventure need not end.


The purpose of #SkyTeamRTW has been to inspire you to travel the world. Maybe you’ll travel round-the-world, maybe all over Asia, or explore Europe; maybe you’ll set off to one new place or head off to a place you have visited before. Travelers are all inspired by something and as we have sought to inspire you, we would like you to help inspire other travelers.


As I head home, I’d like you to share your photos with #SkyTeamRTW, so Sky Team can share them with others on Instagram.  No two people are inspired the same way, everyone is touched by something that is unique to them, inside, that triggers the desire to desire to go out into the world.


Think about where you have been, what you have experienced, alone, with friends, as a family, the famous places you have been, the back road places that never catch the limelight and share those images so travelers and would be travelers are inspired to be where you have been and experience what you have experienced.


The world is full of places to visit, explore, experience and become immersed in and we hope #SkyTeamRTW has inspired you and look forward to you helping us inspire others!



Tweet us at @SkyTeamRTW, tag your photos on Instagram with #SkyTeamRTW, or share the images on Instagram and tag us with @SkyTeamAlliance and #SkyTeamRTW and we’ll share them with others.


Happy Flying!



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