travelers night in

The Travelers’ Night In #TNI #Travel Chat … Big News!

For those of you who follow @flyingwithfish on Twitter, you have probably noticed that every Thursday my Twitterstream is filled with tweets tagged with the #TNI hashtag. For those of you who do not know what #TNI is, it stands for Travelers’ Night In, the original travel chat on Twitter, established by ZipSetGo in 2009….

Where Will You Be At 3:30pm EST Today? I’m Co-Hosting #TNI On Twitter

Twitter is a great place to met fellow travelers, travel enthusiasts, travel experts and people with some great stories from their journeys … one place to meet these folks is during the weekly #TNI chat, brought to you by the folks at, every Thursday at 3:30pm EST   Every week #TNI, or Travelers Night…