Author: flyingfish

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Free WiFi Worldwide (well sort of)

Web: — E-Mail: 4/09/2008 – Free WiFi Worldwide (well sort of) Love Starbucks or hate Starbucks, they are everywhere. With stores in 54 countries, spanning four continents and a sub-continent, it is hard to not spot a Starbucks. Throughout most Starbucks locations you can find public WiFi spots to sit down, log on…

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Coolgorilla’s Talking French Phrasebook

Web: — E-Mail: 3/09/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Coolgorilla’s Talking French Phrasebook With my enjoyment of Lonely Planet’s Mandarin Audio Phrasebook (which I reviewed *HERE*) I set out to find other language translation ‘Apps’ for my iPhone. While looking at a variety of language options, for not only the iPhone…

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Southwest Airlines Moves To Cashless In-flight Sales Only

Web: — E-Mail: 3/09/2008 – Southwest Airlines Moves To Cashless In-flight Sales Only Next Tuesday, the 9th of September, Southwest Airlines will allow you to keep your ‘Fives-&-Singles’ in your wallet when you ‘Move About The Country. ‘ In an effort to make in-flight purchases easier for passengers, and streamline the in-flight operations…

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American Airlines Puts WiFi In The Sky

Web: — E-Mail: 2/09/2008 – American Airlines Puts WiFi In The Sky Last Wednesday, the 27th of August, an American Airlines (AA) Boeing 767-223 (762) closed up its forward cabin door, the jetway pulled away from the AA 762 at JFK International Airport’s Terminal 8, in New York. As the ramp-tug slowly pushed…

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Cathay Pacific Lets You Experience Landing At Some Of The World’s Greatest Airports

Web: — E-Mail: 1/09/2008 – Cathay Pacific Lets You Experience Landing At Some Of The World’s Greatest Airports Have you ever wondered what it looked like to peer out of the cockpit of a Boeing 777-300 as it approached New York’s JFK airport? Have you ever wanted to look out the cockpit window…

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Travel Planning & Natural Disasters

Web: — E-Mail: 30/08/2008 – Travel Planning & Natural Disasters As many people in North America watch the weather on the television they cannot help but notice Hurricane Gustav taking aim at New Orleans just three years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city. As this potential repeat natural disaster potentially plays out I’d…

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29/08/2008- The Weekly Round Up : Fees Wipeout Surfers : Experimenting With Flying With Fish Video : iPhone App Of The Week

Web: — E-Mail: 29/08/2008- The Weekly Round Up : Fees Wipeout Surfers : Experimenting With Flying With Fish Video : iPhone App Of The Week This week was a ‘short week’ for me, as I spent most of this week in the hospital having surgery and recovering from surgery. My posts this week…

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Currency

Web: — E-Mail: 28/08/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : Currency Not all useful iPhone ‘Apps’ have whiz-bang features and tons of options. Some very useful iPhone ‘Apps’ are straightforward, simple and singular in purpose, which is why this week I’ll be discussing the simplistic nature of ‘Currency.’ ‘Currency‘ is an exchange…

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Choosing Your Lenses When Traveling : Your Shoulders Will Thank

Web: — E-Mail: 28/08/2008 – Choosing Your Lenses When Traveling : Your Shoulders WillThank You This post is being posted for me, as I am no where near an internetconnection, but I’ve been having fun playing with the Flip Video Camera Ifigured I’d get someone to post this entry for me in advance….

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Choosing Your Cameras For Traveling

Web: — E-Mail: 26/08/2008 – Choosing Your Cameras For Traveling This week should be a ‘light week’ for posting on Flying With Fish and somehow this is my third post for the week. This post is also the second installment of Flying With Fish Video. In this installment of Flying With Fish Video…