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Choosing A Frequent Flyer Program Pt-2 : Fish’s Suggestions For Helping A Photographer Maximize His Miles

Web: www.stevenfrischling.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 23/09/2008 – Choosing A Frequent Flyer Program Pt-2 : Fish’s Suggestions For Helping A Photographer Maximize His Miles Last week I posed a question to the readers of Flying With Fish. I asked the readers to consider the flying habits of photographer Mark Rebilas’ and offer up their opinions on…

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Watching An Airline Die A Slow Death : Alitalia’s Almost Certain Failure

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 22/09/2008 – Watching An Airline Die A Slow Death : Alitalia’s Almost Certain Failure I have been following what I believed to be Alitalia’s almost certain demise for nearly a year, if not longer. Alitalia has only posted a single profitable year since 1998, even with a €1.5bil cash infusion…

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Leaving Your Bag At The Stairs On Regional Flights, AKA: Valet Check, Stair Check, Planeside Check

Web: www.thetravelstrategist.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 22/09/2008 – Leaving Your Bag At The Stairs On Regional Flights, AKA: Valet Check, Stair Check, Planeside Check Not a day seems to pass where I don’t get an e-mail or see an enquiry on some travel or photography message board regarding travelers being forced to leave their full-size roll-aboard…

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19/09/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Frequent Flyer Choices Pt1 : Packing Your Cameras : Credit Cards & Int’l Travel : Round-the-World Workshop & more!

Web: www.fishfotoworldwide.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 19/09/2008 – The Weekly Round Up : Frequent Flyer Choices Pt 1 : Packing Your Cameras : Credit Cards & Int’l Travel : Round-the-World Workshop & more! This week’s Weekly Round up comes to you from Seat 13A on board a US Airways A321 as I cruise past Pennsylvania heading…

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iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : TSAwait

Web: www.fishfoto.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 18/09/2008 – iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week : TSAwait Last weeks’ iPhone ‘App’ Of The Week was “FAAwait,” I thought it only natural to follow up with the iPhone ‘App’ TSAwait. TSAwait is a simple ‘App’ that lets you check average wait times for more than 600 security check point,…

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Round-the-World Photo Workshop : Reintroduced All For Less Than Flying From New York-to-Sydney In Business Class!

Web: www.comeflywithfish.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 17/09/2008 – Round-the-World Photo Workshop : Reintroduced All For Less Than Flying From New York-to-Sydney In Business Class! Earlier this year I was forced to delay the No Jet Lag Round-the-World Workshop due to some health concerns and the increasing instability of the airline industry. Now, with significant research, a…

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Using Your Credit Card Internationally : Inform Your Credit Card Company Before You Cross The Border

Web: www.thetravelstrategist.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 17/09/2008 – Using Your Credit Card Internationally : Inform Your Credit Card Company Before You Cross The Border Last week my fellow photographer from Canada…..we’ll call him “Edgar” (the same one with the Passport issues in this post : 12/03/08 – Keeping Your Passport Current & Paying Attention To Visas)…

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Packing Your Cameras & Lenses Properly : Do Not Attach Your Camera & Lens

Web: www.stevenfrischling.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 16/09/2008 – Packing Your Cameras & Lenses Properly : Do Not Attach Your Camera & Lens For some reason photographers like to pack their lenses attached to their camera bodies. For some even stranger reason photographers seem to pack their longer, heavier, lenses attached to their camera bodies. Why do…

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Choosing A Frequent Flyer Program : Help A Photographer Maximize His Miles

Web: www.stevenfrischling.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 15/09/2008 – Choosing A Frequent Flyer Program : Help A Photographer Maximize His Miles Choosing a frequent flyer program can be challenging. There are many factors in choosing the best programs for each individual person. Many infrequent flyers only focus on “If fly airline X and want to earn free…

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Music For The Global Traveler

Web: www.thetravelstrategist.com — E-Mail: fish@flyingwithfish.com 15/09/2008 – Music For The Global Traveler At the start of this past summer I wrote about “Six Songs That Remind Me To Go Home.” While I love to make my way home, a song I have recently started listening to a song that reminds me, in part, why I…